Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wow forgot to do a couple of post did my legs. Squats, dead lifts, leg extensions and leg curls.

Its funny before I started doing dead lifts and squats it seemed like my knees were always achy as a matter of fact since I've started really pushing my workouts I've been feel awesome. I really think lifting weights is the fountain of youth...In fact check out this guy he's 72 in this picture.

I also did my 6 minute pull-up Challenge. Only did 37 this time but I worked on making sure they were full pull-ups and I did them outside with a jacket, shoes and gloves on. The goal is still 50 in 6 minutes.

Till next time...

P.S. Make up your own Challenges and then share them with me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Didn't have time to post yesterday but I did my push-up pyramid but I used 5lb dumbbells for the military press part, sounds light but trust me it gets hard.

Weighed my tire today scale says it weighs 155lbs, thought if should weigh more.

Going to work my legs later today after supper of chili.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Body Parts

Body parts the Pyramid workout should work.


What is tire flipping?

Here's a video of tire flipping if you don't know what it is.

Push-up Pyramid and Tire flip

Here's a picture of the tire I'm flipping. Not sure what it weighs I'm guessing st least a couple of hundred pounds. I'm gonna flip it for 10 minutes after I do my push-up pyramid . I've got a bigger tire I'm guessing weighs 500lbs that I can't budge that I hope to flip some day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This is what I hope to end up looking like...Wolvering is one badass dude.
Well I did about as good as I thought I to 39 pull-ups, first 25 were ok but the last 14 were ugly. Could only do one at a time. I used various grips just to make it interesting. I'll have to keep this challenge up. I'm not sure if it's possible to do 50 pull-ups in one shot so maybe my goal will be to do 25 and then rest and do 25 more.

I've been doing a pre-workout drink called C4 extreme by cellucor, I really like the flavor (icy blue razz). And it doesn't leave me wired or jittery for hours afterwards.

Till next time....later

50 pull-ups in 6 minutes

First Challenge of my blog: 50 pull-ups in 6 minutes. Can I do it... We shall see.

Rules: Just do as many pull ups in 6 minutes I can...I can drop off the bar and rest.